Your biggest dilemma is attracting buyers while avoiding contingency deals. The current marketplace is saturated with buyer prospects who must sell their existing home first in order to buy their new home. It seems every day is spent sending buyers away that really want to buy. Understandably, you can’t put yourself in a situation of tying up your properties hoping that the buyer’s home might sell. It seems as if every buyer out there needs to sell first in order to buy. In the meantime, you are left with resulting slower sales.
Our exclusive “New Construction Builder Guaranteed Sale Program” can solve this dilemma for you.
Here’s How It Works:
When you are approached by a prospective buyer who needs to sell their home in order to buy yours; we will step in and GUARANTEE the sale of their property (up front in writing). In the unlikely event their home doesn’t sell before they take possession of the new one, we will actually buy their home* so they can move into your new construction. *Some conditions do apply.
If you would like more information on how this proven “New Construction Builder Guaranteed Sale Program” can help you sell more homes faster, please fill out the information below, click submit and one of our team members will contact you.
Your information is kept confidential and is never shared!