Your Home Sold In 60 Days (at your price). Guaranteed.
Or We’ll Sell it For Free!*
We put our money where our mouth is.
Our 60-Day Guarantee is as simple as this: We guarantee to sell your home within 60-days or we waive our marketing fee.*
Complete the Form to Get Started
While every company will promise to sell your home, the reality of the market today is that this simply doesn’t always happen. The fact is, the majority of homes listed for sale sit on the market for months, and many of these homes never sell at all.
Needless to say, this is highly frustrating for home sellers like you. But more than that, it can be financially crushing if you’re counting on the sale of your home to fulfill some other obligation.
How The Guarantee Works
Subscribe to our program in advance of marketing your property. If your home sits on the market for longer than 60 days from the time we list it, we will continue to market it aggressively and waive our portion of the marketing fee. Instead of making you empty promises, we give you a written guarantee of performance and if we don’t live up to this agreement, we will actually work for FREE! We’re taking all the risk so and this gives our clients much greater peace of mind throughout the home selling process.
60-Day Sale Guarantee
If you would like more information about our 60-Day Sale Guarantee or any of our other optional subscription-only programs, please send us your information by filling out the form below for a FREE CONSULTATION. We will get started right away. Or call the Linton Hall Realtor team at: 703-940-0766
*Fee waived is the leasing and marketing fee agreed to within the “Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement”, less any co-op brokerage fee offered in Realtor MLS. A special Addendum must be executed by owner simultaneously with the Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement to be eligible for this special program. If the addendum is not executed by owner, owner will not be eligible for this special marketing offer. All other terms and conditions of the Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement will remain in full force and effect.